#Sobolation: A Rare Bus Performance

The 3rd of January 2019 was a boring Thursday and so I decided to busy myself with Twitter (of which if we are not connected on Twitter, @_awatiibadan is way to go). With a few scrolls down my timeline I came across this thread by @sydnyofficial – a story that irresistibly gripped me. I learnt a few lessons from it and I thought to do #sobolation on it.

Here’s the story:

“I got in a bus early this evening from Ilasa to Mile 2, probably looking like an artist and carrying a guitar. Soon after, the conductor (in a high spirited “new year new things mood) said to me, “artist, play for us na.” I laughed and replied, “you go pay o.” He said no problem and gave me my money back. When a conductor in Lagos returns your money, know shit is real. Stunned, I obliged him and got the guitar out of my bag and started playing. Luckily it was a spacious bus with empty seats beside me so it was not inconvenient.

When my fellow passengers were getting into the music, I started singing a few popular songs I know and they started singing along too. Some started making song requests and compliments were flying directly and indirectly. I got to experience what it’s like playing music for strangers in a quite unusual setting and watching them appreciate and participate in it, that gratification was surreal. The last passenger to alight even collected my number to chat me up and connect with me on social media. Another one saw me at a different place onwards on my journey and started waving frantically like she met an actual celebrity (which I am not…yet)

When I alighted, the conductor thanked me, said a few encouraging words and told me not to forget him when I ‘get there’. He didn’t even need to tell me that. I may never see him again in my life but Lord knows I’d never forget him or his contagious smile and joyful spirit. Today, I learned that nothing beats the joy of doing the things we love (doing it well, that is) and getting appreciated for it.

I learned to not be afraid to do my thing anywhere, anytime, in any situation. You’ll never know who needs it or will be blessed by it, yourself included. For that experience, I would have gladly paid twice my transport. I would have taken selfies or video recordings but some moments are better experienced than documented. Well, I hope you had fun reading this thread and I hope someone is encouraged by it.

May we experience stories worth telling this year.


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