“In 2007 when I was in EAC (Educational Advancement Centre), I had a Physics assignment which I needed help for and so I went to meet the guy who happened to be the smartest guy in the class ahead of me. Interestingly, he couldn’t help me solve the assignment. Afterwards, we spoke a few times but we weren’t close. Then I joined a Christian drama group called Radicals for Jesus – it turned out that he was a member too. Not long after, I got admitted into UI and because he was in UI too we remained friends. In UI, we ended up attending the same campus fellowship – Restoration Bible Campus Fellowship. Coincidentally, we also were in medical school together.

These common associations that we had often brought us together and kept the friendship vibrant. He lived in the same room with some of my friends and I always visited them regularly in their room. As the friendship progressed, I started to get hints that he liked me. I realized that he just seemed to pay more attention to me. On one of my visits, he decided to see me off even though he was really sleepy.

December 2011, it was our fellowship’s Christmas party in 2011, and we had been asked to write our names on papers for ‘Secret Santa’. I opened the piece of paper I had picked and I saw his name. My heart skipped a beat. The sarcastic voice in my head just went “Perfect, so now I have to buy him a gift”.

Guess who picked my name, he did!

We started dating officially in 2013 and we got married in 2017.

Count it all together, it makes ten years.”



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